
Weightlifting – Mon, Sep 30

SoLa CrossFit – Weightlifting

Olympic Weightlifting

Warm up

Front Rack Opener:

3 Sets

4 Supinated Pull Up Negatives W/ Hang

:30 Sec PVC Prayer Stretch

:20 Sec Front Rack Hold (building)

Skill Work

Power Position Muscle Clean (Weight)


-Rest 90 Sec Between-

Start RPE 4 (This is V. Light)
Focus: Bar Path, Avoiding Slamming Barbells


Power Position Cleans (Weight)


3 Position Receive Complex

-1 Rep 3″ Receive Clean

-1 Rep 5″ Receive Clean

-1 Rep Full Clean

Pause 2 sec in each receive. RPE 5 start & build
Focus: Building on muscle Clean work, Now adding in strong receive positioning. Landing flat feet, hips back and down.


Paused Front Squat (3×3 @55%+
Pause 5 Bottom & 10 Top
Rest as need )


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