
CrossFit WOD, October 11, 2024

CrossFit – Fri, Oct 11
 SoLa ROWATHON Benefiting Meals On Wheels Of Central Texas! Friday   10.11 | 5:30pm  | Grab your besties (4 – 10+) row a marathon (42,190M) and grab a beer or wine! Prizes/Give aways! This is a social gathering for GOOD! Don't have a team? Don't worry. Just show up and we will find you a team. $20 donation/athlete!  Can't make it but still want to contribute head    HERE   !

Warm Up

1. Movement Prep/Activation

8:00 AMRAP
10 Glute Bridges
10 Deadbugs
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench (each)
5 Roll and Reach
5 Deadlifts (empty bar – build across sets)

2. Strength
6 sets x 4 Deadlifts (75%)
-Complete a set every 1:45-

3. Workout Prep
2 sets:
4 Push Ups
4 Air Squats
4 Bench Press (build in weight)
4 Wall Balls

Deadlift (Weight)

6 sets x 4 Deadlifts (75%)
-Complete a set every 1:45-

Baloo the Bear (Time)

Freedom (RX’d)
40 Push Ups
80 Air Squats
20 DB Bench Press (50/35)
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 DB Bench Press (50/35)
80 Air Squats
40 Push Ups

30 Push Ups
60 Air Squats
20 DB Bench Press
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 DB Bench Press
60 Air Squats
30 Push Ups
(KG conv: 52.5/35 BP, 9/6 WB)

20 Bar Push Ups
40 Air Squats
20 Dumbbell Bench Press (light)
20 Wall Balls (light)
20 Dumbbell Bench Press (light)
40 Air Squats
20 Bar Push Ups

  • Target time: 14-16 minutes
  • Time cap: 20 minutes


3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)

2x 15 Adductor Rockbacks
2x 10 Shoulder Extension Bridges
1 Minute Ring Lat Stretch

Note: the easy cardio portion should be done immediately post workout to help your body recover from the workout. The stretching can then be done together as a group, time permitting, or on your own as homework. Stretch videos are available in the athlete notes.


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