CrossFit – Sat, Jun 29
Warm Up
1. Movement Prep/Activation
3:00 Machine
3 sets:
5 Ring Rows
5 Toe Assist Ring Muscle Up Transition
5 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
10 Walking Lunge Steps
2. Workout Prep
-With Partner-
3 sets
5/4 Calorie Air Bike (each-build in pace)
1 Muscle Up
10ft Farmer Carry Walking lunge (build weight)
“Adventure is out there!” (Time)
Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2
100/80 Calorie Air Bike
20 Ring Muscle Ups (Or 60 Chest to Bar)
300ft Farmers Carry Lunge (70s/50s)
Teams of 2
80/65 Calorie Echo Bike
15 Ring Muscle Ups (Or 45 Chest to Bar)
300ft Farmers Carry Lunge (50s/35s)
Teams of 2
50/40 Calorie Echo Bike
40 Jumping Pull Ups
300ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (light)
- Target time: 11-13 minutes
- Time cap: 16 minutes