Classes are more full than usual this time of year. All our classes (except Saturdays) have an 18-person cap. This cap is in place to create the BEST experience possible for athletes and ensure safety. Make sure you hop in WODIFY and get RSVP'd for the classes of your choice early in the day. If you are waitlisted, feel free to show up, and if no spot opens, you can work out on your own in Open Gym or wait for a later class time! Thank you, and let's continue to crush 2025!
1. Movement Prep/Activation
Banded 7s
8:00 AMRAP
10 Walking Lunge Steps
10 Alternating V-Ups
3 Tempo Bench Press (empty bar)
5 Scap Pull-ups
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row (each)
2. Strength
10 sets
3 Tempo Bench Press (60-70%)
-rest 60-90 seconds between sets-
3. Workout Prep
2 sets:
2 Push Ups + Renegade Row (each)
10ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge
3 Tempo Bench Press x 5 sets @70% of 1RM
*Tempo = 3 second negative and 1 second pressing (contraction) portion
* Rest as needed between sets *
Freedom (RX’d)
Push Up + Renegade Row (50s/35s)
-50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (50/35) after each set Push Ups + Renegade Row-
Push Up + Renegade Row (35s/25s)
-50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (35/25) after each set of Push Ups + Renegade Row-
Dumbbell Bench + Bent Over Double Dumbbell Row (light)
-50ft Walking Lunge after each set Bench + Bent over Row-
- Target time: 12-14:00
- Time cap: 15:00
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
2x 15 Side Lying Rotations (each side)
1 Minute Band Wrist Mobilization
1 Minute Posterior Shoulder Smash
Note: the easy cardio portion should be done immediately post workout to help your body recover from the workout. The stretching can then be done together as a group, time permitting, or on your own as homework. Stretch videos are available in the athlete notes.
8 sets
3 Tempo Bench Press (60-70%)
Tempo = 3 sec down/no pause/1 sec up/no pause (3010)
-rest 60-90 seconds between sets-