CrossFit – Sat, Jan 11
Book Club Update! Discussion at 3pm rather than 5pm on Sunday, January 12th.
Warm Up
1. Movement Prep/Activation
2:00 Machine
8:00 AMRAP
10 Air Squats
5 Front Squat build weight
10 Sit Ups
10 Box Step Ups
4.40 Challenge Workout (Time)
Freedom (RX’d)
Teams of 2
440 calories on any machine
*Every 3:00 perform 4 Front Squats (165/105)
**Start with the Machine
Teams of 2
440 calories on any machine
-Every 3:00 perform 4 Front squats (115/80)
Teams of 2
220 calories on any machine
-Every 3:00 perform 8 Goblet Squats
Target time: Sub 40 minutes